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Stock Sentiment Analyzer
Say the company name of the stock you want to Analyze the news sentiment for
Warren Buffett Advisor
A financial advisor plugin that embodies Warren Buffett's investment principles and communication style.
Bitcoin Live
Just say “Bitcoin Pirce” to get the latest price. Powered by CoinGecko.
CryptoWatch is a simple application that enables Omi users to know the price of Crypto on the go. This ensures that they make actions in a timely manner.
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Bitcoin Live
Just say “Bitcoin Pirce” to get the latest price. Powered by CoinGecko.
Warren Buffett Advisor
A financial advisor plugin that embodies Warren Buffett's investment principles and communication style.
CryptoWatch is a simple application that enables Omi users to know the price of Crypto on the go. This ensures that they make actions in a timely manner.
Stock Sentiment Analyzer
Say the company name of the stock you want to Analyze the news sentiment for